Monday, December 6, 2010

Loving Fountain Orphanage Center Living Cost

There are 32 orphanage children at Loving fountain orphanage center. We have many many orpahage children in my project area, Burma. There are many orphanage children in my project area, Kachin State. There are variety disease in Burma such as Malaria, Diarrhea, Diabetes, and HIV. So many parents were died by such tremendous diseases and children were left as orphans. We do not have medicare and education support. All the orphanage children can not go to the school and become illiterate. So there is no hope for their future and become poorer and poorer. This reson, we established the loving fountain orphanage center to take care of the orphanage children to educate and develop not only physically but also spiritually as much as we can. Day time they go to school at bublic school.

We feed three time a day. Breakfast, lunch and supper. Each children living cost is $1 per day. They live at the orphanage home built from bamboo with thatch roof as you see at the back groung of the picture.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Pastor Ah Dee Che,
    Are you still working for this Loving Fountain Orphanage Center? You do not seem to have anything to write and post about! Haven't you been involved in any school activities during the past few months?
    Or we just do not known if you were in good health or not.
    Anyway, take care. We pray for your safety. May God bless you.
    A friend
