Monday, December 6, 2010

Loving Fountain Orphanage Center Living Cost

There are 32 orphanage children at Loving fountain orphanage center. We have many many orpahage children in my project area, Burma. There are many orphanage children in my project area, Kachin State. There are variety disease in Burma such as Malaria, Diarrhea, Diabetes, and HIV. So many parents were died by such tremendous diseases and children were left as orphans. We do not have medicare and education support. All the orphanage children can not go to the school and become illiterate. So there is no hope for their future and become poorer and poorer. This reson, we established the loving fountain orphanage center to take care of the orphanage children to educate and develop not only physically but also spiritually as much as we can. Day time they go to school at bublic school.

We feed three time a day. Breakfast, lunch and supper. Each children living cost is $1 per day. They live at the orphanage home built from bamboo with thatch roof as you see at the back groung of the picture.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Building Concrete House

A Concrete Boardinghouse Needed
These bamboo and thatch-roof shanty huts were built in 2007. The main boarding house is falling dawn. It is so dangerous for the kids to live in it. We, board of the Church committee realized that we need to have a concrete boarding house for long term project. Therefore, we requested all the churches to contribute for the building, and so did they as much as they could. However, as the Lisu tribe people in general are farmers who live from hand-to-mouth, they were not able to help or support us to get the building projects accomplished. It is a 2 storey building which is 60ft long and 20ft wide, and 18ft high. We are urgently in need of $23803 to finish this boarding house. If it is God's will, we wish this building would be built before June, 2011 for the next academic year. So we need your prayers and support.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Loving Fountain Orphanage Center

Through the Loving Fountain Orphanage Center, we aim to reach out to the Lisu orphans across Kachin State. Our goal is to feed these hopeless poor Lisu orphans and help them find a way to fulfill their educational goals. To up-lift their moral and living standard by helping them meet their spiritual and physical needs both.  One day, when they become mature and earn proper education or have efficient qualification to stand on their own feet, they will lead their own communities in some development projects not only to support their own families. 


1. To help them obtain a higher education
2. Nurture them to become good leaders to their communities when they graduate from schools
3. To develop a self-reliance and lead the community
4. To serve the lord and communities as they take turn to feed those orphans
5. To serve the government as much as they can as good citizens
6. To become good leaders of tomorrow

Friday, October 22, 2010

Work as they study

The orphans at the hostel transplanting nurseries on the paddy field belongs to The Lisu Baptist Association, Myitkyina.

Founder and board of the commitee

The founder of this hostel is Rev: Ah Dee Che Fish and Myikyina Lisu Baptist Association. In order that this project would come into existence, all of the committee members fasted and prayed to God as our Lord has promised in His living book that with Him, everything is possible. God blessed this Lisu Orphanage center and so before not very long, several buildings such as kitchen and students' dormitory underwent construction.

Even though these buildings are not yet completely finished constructing. God has reviled His unfailing love to these little pitiful Lisu orphans. Some valuable contribution have been received.

God has sent a loving mother, Mrs. Joana Jones from Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A to Lisu kids. She is the Director of Asian Children's Mission. This Mission provides a monthly support money of US $ 600  to Loving Fountain Orphanage Center for food. This generous provision makes it possible to keep going this center.

The six full-time staff for the hostel were elected and appointed by the local Lisu Baptist Church Committee.

You, valued viewers of this blog are requested to remember this orphanage center in your prayers. All of the projects of construction are pending due to lack of finance, and this is the reason we need your earnest prayers.

Lisu Loving Fountain Orphanage Center

An orphanage students' hostel was established here in Rumpu quarter, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar on May 25th, 2008. The given name  for this Lisu students' hostel is Loving Fountain Orphanage Center, as the main purpose of establishing of this hostel is to take care of Lisu orphans from remote country regions, and to help them meet their need in pursue of education.